Elements of a Construction Sales Checklist
Follow a version of this construction sales checklist with every new project opportunity. You can customize this list to fit your own sales experience and specific industry needs.
Pre Qualification Research
- Confirm physical address and other relevant contact information.
- Learn what you can about about their town, neighborhood, property.
- Learn about their profession and job role.
- Determine decision maker (lone decision maker, couple, partners, business team member, etc.).
Qualification Phone Call
- Identify lead source (Always track how you are being found).
- Discuss scope of work or problem to solve.
- Determine budget considerations for work identified.
- Confirm general budget is within range they expect or have available.
- Evaluate if this potential client is a fit for you, your company, and your services.
Qualification phone call outcome: Non Match or Viable Opportunity
*Non Match: You have sufficient reason to believe they are not a fit due to not having the budget required, being outside of your preferred work region, or the presence of other red flags.
Non Match Next steps: No in person meeting to be scheduled at this time. Possibly refer the party to a better fit in your network or revisit the scope of work under consideration in a way that works within their available resources (this is a good option if your project pipeline is getting thin).
*Viable opportunity: Your conversation reasonably proved this prospect has a project that matches your services, is within your preferred geographic work range, and has the desire/ability to pay for the potential work.
Viable Opportunity Next Step: Set an appointment to meet in person to discuss their needs further.
Pre Meeting Steps
- Send follow up email to build rapport and to confirm your in person meeting. If applicable, this email can contain suggested links to relevant pages on your website as a form of service familiarity and relationship building.
- Confirm your meeting day and time 24-48 hours prior with agenda setting guidelines to help your prospect know what to expect, who will be present, and to establish goals for the conversation.
- Request all decision makers be present if an in-person meeting is scheduled (Not having all decision makers present will most likely stall the sales process).
*The first two steps in this section are great forms of customer service and sets the stage for your professional relationship.
In Person Meeting
- Review the proposed project to confirm this is a fit for your company.
- Address questions and objections.
- Confirm your ability to complete the work and deliver an exceptional service.
- Observe and identify decision making process.
- Discuss general budget considerations required and confirm desire/ability to move forward.
- Next steps identified (Proposal generation, contract delivery, further conversation/confirmations, etc.).
Post Meeting Steps
- Send a follow up email thanking them for the meeting. Restate meeting outcome and time frames for next steps. Include links to website to address lingering concerns, questions, or objections, if applicable.
- Deliver next step as promised (proposal, work agreement, etc).
- Agree on next follow up communication (day/time) and method of communication (phone/email) to approve the work, or conclude the sales process at this time (If the project is not approved or is placed on hold, add the client to your email nurturing campaign and schedule a future follow up to revisit project possibilities).