Build Your Contracting Business By Tracking These 3 Basic Metrics
As cold as it gets in these parts, January is still one of my favorite months of the year. It feels like the slate has been wiped clean and we all get a do over. With a fresh start, we can focus on how to better ourselves, and our business, in the coming year. I’ve…
Read MoreWin More Construction Projects by Understanding One Important Concept
When there was no response to a third follow up phone call it became clear the sale had gone off the tracks. You were confident up until this point that the project was all yours. You delivered your estimate. You answered all their questions. You even let them know you could start next week. You…
Read MoreThank you to all the men and women that go to work with tools in their hands
Building great things isn’t easy. It takes years of education, experience, and effort. All of us at Contractor Fuel wish you a day of rest with family and friends. It is well earned. Great things await and we can’t wait to see what you build next! Happy Labor Day! *For more information on the origins…
Read MoreThree Powerful Actions Contractors Should Take To Put Their New Website To Work
Three Powerful Actions Contractors Should Take To Put Their New Website To Work (plus one important pro tip) by Wayne Lamarre | Contractor Fuel I’m sure you remember the feeling… Most business owners do. The unmistakable feeling of pride that came along with opening that box from the printer full of your new business cards.…
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